About iPulse

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iPulse is an essential antioxidant-based rich multi fruit blend juice, that supports restorative powers, supercharges health and assists in delaying premature ageing. With its unique and synergistic combination of antioxidant fruits, iPulse is an excellent defence against free radicals damage, supporting management of healthy cholesterol and improving immunity.

iPulse is a unique combination of herbs and antioxidant fruit blend which effectively combats generalised weakness and stress. The fruit ingredients in iPulse are naturally credited with rejuvenating properties which help in respiratory functions, assist in cardiovascular functioning by improving circulation and may reduce raised lipid levels. It helps regulate fat and carbohydrate metabolism, improves appetite, digestion and assimilation.

iPulse and ORAC value

  • ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity which specifically measures the antioxidant capability of the product against the damage induced by free radicals.
  • A normal human body requires at least 5000 ORAC units of antioxidants daily.
  • So, an unhealthy person needs more antioxidants.
  • To get this daily value of antioxidants, one must consume approximately 3.5 kgs of fresh organic garden plucked fruits preferably with different colours.
  • 60 ml of iPulse gives you the benefit of 3.5 kgs of freshly plucked organic garden fruits and its ORAC score being 7000.

Ingredients iPulse

iPulse is an antioxidant rich juice concentrate of 15 fruits. With its unique, innovative and scientifically validated combination of antioxidants (Quercetin, Gallic acid, Ellagic acid, Anthocyaninis), essential carbohydrates, health promoting vitamins, proteins, lipids, trace minerals and micronutrients, iPulse is an excellent choice for overall health and well-being.

Prunus avium or Cherries are rich sources of antioxidants. They are filled with anthocyanins and polyphenols making them the best antioxidants.

Vitis vinifera or White Grapes and Concorde Grapes are traditionally known to exert rejuvenating properties. Grapes are rich in phenolic compounds existing in the skin and seeds.

Ananas comosus or Pineapple is traditionally used in the management of gastro intestinal disorders.

Pyrus malus or Apple has a long history of use as a rejuvenating fruit. It is used as a bulk promoting agent. Apple are the richest source of antioxidants.

Musa sapientum or Bananas are traditionally known for their bulk promoting properties. It is known for its constipating properties and is used in diseases like diarrhoea and dysentery.

Punica granatum or Pomegranate juice relieves thirst and is useful in burning sensation and fevers. It is considered a potent appetizer and digestive.

Citrus aurantium or Oranges are traditionally used in the management of fevers. The fruits are known to have high levels of phenolics which demonstrate strong antioxidant capability.

Pyrus communis or Pear is considered a good rejuvenating and an aphrodisiac fruit. They are very good sources of Vitamin C, ascorbic acid and a very good antioxidant.

accinium corymbosum or Blueberries are a good source of chlorogenic acid, quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin, procyanidins, catechin, epicatechin and resveratrol.

Rubus fructicosus or Blackberries are known to contain appreciable levels of phenolic compounds, including anthocyanins and flavonols.

Fragaria anannasa or Strawberries are one of the most highly concentrated antioxidant fruits. The antioxidants found in strawberries have been shown to fight carcinogens.

Morus alba or Mulberries are fleshy, succulent and are a rich source of numerous health-benefiting plant derived antioxidants, minerals and vitamins.

Benefits What You Get

Heart wellness

Strengthens heart muscles, maintains healthy rhythm, supports healthy fat levels and overall cardiac health.

Respiratory wellness

Helps preventing Respiratory related problems. Improves resistance against Allergies.

Cellular Wellness

Helps to enhance cellular metabolism Homeostasis supports.

Hepatic wellness

Protection of liver Control the homeostasis level Helps reduce GI problems.

Immunity wellness

Anti-cancer supports Enhances body's ability to rejuvenate itself.

Cerebral wellness

Prevents the neurodegenerative problems and Supports healthy memory.